Sunday, 19 May 2013

24th-26th May MCM London Expo!

I've just come back from Japan!
It's been a great 3 weeks to not only spent time with my family and friends, but visiting interesting places. Such as a gigantic factory area in a night, watching new movies, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu costume exhibition, Nonsense souvenir exhibition, a music event, military shops, manga shops, and more!!!

As I'm back in England and the first event I'm joining is MCM London Expo!
Again, this time I'm sharing a table G6 at Comic Village with my fellow artist, Chie Kutsuwada, as Umisen-Yamasen. :D

Please visit us for a new postcards, manga portraits, and some original drawings!
The image is Covent Garden & Leicester Square from Go Go Metro!

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